First Name
Last Name
1. Do you work mostly in digital imaging, analog, or a hybrid process?
Hybrid, both digital and analog
2. Do you already have an imaging workflow established in your home or studio?
3. How often do you process and/or print images, either digitally or in your darkroom?
Couple times a month
Couple times a year
4. Which of the following would you utilize or like to try at Aurora’s digital workspace?
Flatbed scanner
Imacon scanner
Lightbox/hi-res digital camera negative capture
Calibrated color environment with Adobe Suite for image editing
P-1000 printer (max 17 x 22 prints)
Large-format printing (max 44 inches wide)
Assistance and troubleshooting with image editing
Assistance and troubleshooting with printing
Experimenting with different inkjet papers
5. What other equipment, services, or features would you like to see in Aurora’s digital workspace?
6. Which of the following would you utilize or like to try in Aurora’s darkroom, with all basic chemistry supplied in the price of hourly rental?
Film development reel
Film development sheet
Printing RC paper
Printing Fiber paper
Assistance and troubleshooting with film development
Assistance and troubleshooting with printing
7. What other equipment, services, or features would you like to see in Aurora’s darkroom?
8. What photography classes or workshops would you like to attend at the Aurora workspace that are not already offered at local schools, art centers, or stores?
9. Which of the following is most important to you for exhibitions in the workspace + gallery?
Solo shows by local artists
Group shows by local artists
Solo shows by leading artists from outside Indianapolis
10. Which visiting artists would you like to hear give a talk about their work at Aurora?
11. What other suggestions do you have for Aurora’s photography workspace + gallery?
12. Demographics
I identify as (check all that apply)
19 or under years old
20-64 years old
65+ years old
African American or Black
Asian American or Asian
Hispanic or Latine or Chicane
White or Caucasian
Person with a disability
Person without a disability