Free and Open to the Public
June 13-16, 2019
Appointments (required) start at 9am and end 7pm each day
Call 317.361.3703 or email to schedule an appointment
Photographer Keliy Anderson-Staley will be making tintype portraits at Tube Factory June 13-16, 2019. Tintype is a 19th-Century photographic process rarely practiced today. Please call 317.361.3703 or email to make an appointment for your portrait. (Appointment is required.)
All participants should expect the shoot to take 20-30 minutes, and there might be a short wait, even if you have an appointment. By sitting for a portrait, you are participating in a long-term portrait project that now includes images of a couple thousand individuals. Everyone who sits for a portrait will be asked to sign a model release form and will receive a high resolution scan of the image via email 2-3 weeks after the shoot. Group portraits are possible, but family portraits need to be limited to 5 members. People of all ages, body types, orientations and ethnicities are encouraged to come participate in this free portrait shooting event.
What to Know before Your Portrait Sitting
• Exposure times for tintypes can last up to 30 seconds. Sitters must remain relatively still during that time to make a clear, sharp image (some blinking is okay). Small children or other subjects who may find it difficult to stay still for that amount of time may appear blurry in the final image.
• Due to time and material restraints, sitters will have only one image made.
• Please wear clothes that do not have text and are not all white or all black.
• Subjects who wear glasses may want to consider not wearing them for the portrait to reduce the chance of reflection in the final image.